Sunshine Coast Electric Vehicle Association


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Our Mission Statement

The purpose of the Sunshine Coast Electric Vehicle Association is to promote the use of electric vehicles of all types on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. We will hold regular meetings and events to expand the knowledge of our members and the general public that will encourage greater adoption of electric vehicles in all sectors of society.

Coast  FIRST in adoption, leading the Province 

According to numbers obtained from ICBC, as of June 2021, the sunshine coast is leading the province in EV adoption. With all our towns in the top 25, (out of 300 municipalities that have licensed EV’s) we are the fastest growing region in the province per capita with over 732 EV’s. And that is just cars. Electric bicycle’s and scooters are extremely popular on the coast as well and with a perfect riding environment we are sure to be leading there too. 

See the numbers here.  More info on the Resources page

Other news 

  • SCEVA hosted a Drive-In Movie night… check it out here:

  • SCEVA EV drivers hit 1 million Kms.
    170.48 metric tons of C02 kept out of the atmosphere!
  • Listen HERE to SCEVA’s own Buddy Boyd Interviewed by Gloria Macarenko from On the Coast CBC radio. Buddy talks EV hopes and fears and about his Bolt across Canada trip and more.
  • the Government of BC announces 250 new DCFC’s coming to BC and new funding for strata’s
  • SCEVA AGM was a very successful evening with 17 members in person and several more via Zoom…see more here
  • Check out our first YouTube video: Be sure to subscribe, like and share too!


  • We are proud to announce our new Marketing & Event Coordinator                 John and the rest of the SCEVA Executive are delighted to announce that Mieke Bray has taken on the role Marketing & Events CoordinatorFor many years Mieke commuted all over Vancouver on an electric scooter e-bike. Mieke has a temendous range of experience in events and the arts and is excited to promote EV life here on the Coast. Mieke is looking forward to buying her first four wheeled EV one day very soon!

    Mieke takes over from Yarrow Drtina, who has taken a full time job (something SCEVA is not yet financially capable of offering!) Thank you and good luck in your future endeavours Yarrow!

  • New funding approved for EV Charger Program & new EV Ready Plan requirements. This includes rebates for single family residences and multi family stratas.    See details Here 



  • The Grand Opening of two fast chargers at Trail Bay Mall on February 28th was a great non-event. Members can still drop by and take a selfie with your car and the charger. Check out the videos of the ribbon cutting HERE
  • The BC Hydro EV Network is a great site to learn about EV’s of all types. With Dave’s adventures, campaigns, incentives and further education this is one of BC’s best sources of info.

Check it out here.  More info on the Resources page

Thank you to Our Main Sponsor:
Sunshine Coast GM 


Event Sponsors:


It’s free (so far)

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Past Events

past events

SC EV Festival

Car Rallies


Meet SCEVA’s Executive

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