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Past Events
SC EV Events
- SCEVA hosted a Drive-In Movie night… check it out here:
Saturday February 19th, 2022
Erika’s EV Trivia Night
We had a blast at our first Trivia Night! If you were not able to join us, you missed a great evening of fun, jokes and learning a lot about EVs on the Sunshine Coast.
Thanks VERY much to Erika McLean, SCEVA director and owner of All for Pets, our quizmaster for some challenging and fascinating questions! (Hint – When did the first EV arrive on the Coast?)
Fun times with a word search from SCEVA our banner(image at the top of this newsletter)
We have one Prize still available if you can beat our record of 6 names of EVs using the letters from our banner, send your entry to info@sceva.org, first with 7 names wins the prize!We’ll do it again soon and hope you’ll be able to join us. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for SCEVA events – let us know!
Tuesday December 14th, 2021
Festival of Silent Lights
- Thank you to all who participated by taking time from their day (and night) to decorate their cars with lights and Christmas cheer in order to bring joy to residents of the coast. Special thanks to the many hours of planning and design by the executive team headed by Mieke Bray…thank you all!
A terrific effort by 16 cars (and a sleigh!) for a fun time.
Saturday September 25th, 2021
The Sechelt Electric Vehicle Festival
- A record number of spectators attended, estimated at around 500. This year’s event featured several firsts, including the initial visit of a Pole Star vehicle to the Coast, and displays of the recently released Chevrolet Bolt EUV (electric utility vehicle) and a Porsche Taycan. Also featured were two EVs that had completed cross-country trips. One, a Bolt EV owned by Coast resident Buddy Boyd, took 11 days to cross Canada in 2017. The second, an Audi e-tron owned by Harvey Soicher, completed a similar trek this year in under five days (see the video here)
Saturday July 30th, 2021
The SCEVA Member Picnic, Mission Point Park
- Thanks to Mieke for all her work and, also, to Graham Moore who shot the drone video.
Saturday June 19th, 2021
Road-E-O Show and Shine, Powell River
- Several members took to the streets of Powell River, sporting our new SCEVA Flags, to meet-up with locals to share stories and camaraderie and bring awareness to the community.
Saturday April 24, 2021
Keep Away from Each Other” Earth Day Event!
- 11 EVs gathered in Sechelt and drove to Madiera Park keeping together along the Highway and Redrooffs Rd. and completed the 80 minute trek back in Sechelt. Here’s some captures from the day:
February 28th, 2021
Grand Opening, Two DCFCs
- Grand Opening of the Two DC Fast Chargers at Trail Bay Mall, Sechelt. We had favorable weather. We gave the chargers a try and had a nice ribbon cutting ceremony. Our non-event should capture some attention, in fact already has by coast residents, local council and federal political parties. We’d still like members to go to the chargers, take a selfie and post it to your FB page and share it to the SCEVA FB group page. That will get lots of attention. >😃
Here are some videos:
2020 SC EV Events
December 19th, 2020
- 2019 SCEVA’s 1st annual Festival of Silent Lights… a great success, 26 cars, hundreds of onlookers. Next year we will be more accurate on the timing.
Here are some videos:
2019 SC EV Festival

2018 SC EV Festival
2017 SC EV Festival

2016 SC EV Festival

2015 first SC EV Festival

Other Events