
SCEVA is currently working on the following projects:

  1. Reaching out to local municipalities regarding their zoning bylaws. SCEVA is asking that all new buildings, single family, multi-family and commercial be pre-wired for electric vehicle chargers and rooftop solar arrays in order to future-proof them and eliminate unsightly wiring on building exteriors. We had good reception from the District of Sechelt and are now approaching the Town of Gibsons and the SCRD. We may consider approaching the Province in the future. UPDATE: this initiative has been adopted in many municipalities and we hope to see it in the BC Building code.
  2. SCEVA is presently developing rules for proper etiquette at charging stations. Once the wording is complete we will develop a metallic sign with inscribed writing. The sign will consist of the name of the charger or town,  proper etiquette rules and SCEVA’s credentials at the bottom as well as a tag line such as Leading the Charge. Completed, see the sign in use here
  3. SCEVA is working on a catchy tag line that will be included on all our communications in order to further our brand. This will help with receiving credit where credit is due and recognition where applicable. Completed, tagline is “Leading the Charge!”
  4. SCEVA is looking to have our LOGO modernized. This will pair with the newly created tag line. Completed
  5. We are going to develop a line of apparel, T  Shirts, Jackets, Hats etc. This will help make our association more visible and help with fund raising.
  6. SCEVA is working to launch our YouTube channel where we will have short videos of EV life on the coast and to spread the message of the great benefits of EVs. Some videos will be educational and some will be just for fun. First video complete and more added See them HERE
  7. SCEVA was aproached by Tesla to recommend a location for a bank of Tesla Superchargers. These have now come to fruition at the Tsain Ko Mall in Sechelt were Tesla and the Tsain Ko management have installed 12 250kw charging stations. 
  8. Events we hope to be able to bring in 2022 are the Electric Vehicle Festival, In car meet-ups and the now famous Festival of Silent Lights  
  9. We are working on getting a least one DC Fast Charger in Gibsons UPDATE: SCEVA has made a pitch to Gibsons council, it was received favorably. Still working on it.
  10. We will be putting on a Drive in theatre style event


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